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For couples facing fertility challenges, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)/ ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) are the reproductive treatments that offer hope for parenthood. This is the treatment aimed at increasing the fertility chances by fertilizing the matured eggs with your partner’s sperm outside the womb  in the laboratory. 

What is IVF/ ICSI and its procedure?

IVF is a fertility treatment where a female egg and the male sperm are combined outside the body to form an embryo. At this stage, ovaries are stimulated to produce multiple eggs so that mature eggs can be retrieved and fertilized with the sperms to form an embryo. After the embryo is formed, it is transferred to the female uterus to form a baby in the womb.  

ICSI is the advanced form of IVF fertility treatment where a single sperm is fertilized with an egg to form an embryo. This is the enhanced method opted for when the male has less sperm count or the sperm quality may be poor. In this procedure, the sperm is directly inserted into an egg and then the embryo is formed. And once the embryo is formed, it is again implanted inside the womb. 

Who should opt for the IVF/ICSI procedure?

Choosing IVF/ICSI depends on individual circumstances and fertility center protocols. This procedure must be under expert guidance by consulting an experienced specialist who can share all the potential risks and benefits after the complete checkup. 

Women with:

Men with:

Couples With:

For ICSI Couple with:

What is the IVF/ICSI treatment procedure?

IVF/ICSI treatment is a procedure to conceive a child by fertilizing the egg with the sperm through the below given steps: 

What are the success rates for IVF/ICSI procedures?

Success rates vary due to individual factors such as age, health, or unidentified infertility of the couples. After the egg retrieval and the embryo transfer, forming a fetus decides the success rate of each procedure. The success rate of the IVF procedure differs for every couple where the rate ranges between 30%-40% but with ICSI there is a higher chance of success rate than IVF that ranges between 50%-80%.  

What are the benefits of the IVF/ICSI procedure?

What are the potential risks of opting for the IVF/ICSI procedure?