Fertility Treatments: Exploring IVF, IUI, and Other Options
Having kids is one of the greatest joys for anyone, and to receive this greatest gift, every parent waits with excitement. Though in this current world scenario, there are multiple fertility complications that are surfacing day by day, there is still a silver lining that we can be grateful for. Right from IVF to egg freezing and IUI, let us explore advanced and more fruitful fertility treatments that can shine a ray of hope in the much-awaited couples who can’t conceive naturally and are awaiting getting pregnant.
When should one go for fertility treatments?
Infertility can be challenging and emotionally draining, especially if you have been waiting for it for too long. Nowadays, there are many fertility treatments that come to your aid in getting pregnant and welcoming your bundle of joy. To keep the ball rolling,we should look into the main factors and conditions that actually demand fertility treatment among couples. Some treatments, like IVF, IUI, and ICSI, are proven to be successful. Let us know when we need these treatments to make it more clear.
Female fertility factors
Nowadays, women are mainly suffering from PCOS or PCOD, which makes them go through infertility due to the irregular release of eggs in the women. Apart from this diminished ovarian reserve that occurs when a woman ages, endometriosis can also be a major reason why a woman might approach fertility treatments to get pregnant.
Male factors
A low sperm count among males is one of the most common reasons to go for fertility treatments. Apart from this lower sperm motility, genetic factors, erectile dysfunction, where a male cannot hold on to his erection for so long, and varicoceles or swollen veins in the scrotum that can obstruct sperm production can also be the major reasons why fertility treatments are important in order to get pregnant.
Same-sex couples
Fertility treatment can be a great boon to same-sex couples, where they can opt for donor sperm, donor eggs, surrogacy, and other fertility treatments that are suitable for them in order to enjoy the joy of parenthood.
Genetic Factors
Genetic factors People with various genetic factors can also choose fertility treatments like preimplantation genetic testing to prevent any genetic disorders in the future.
Having said that, let us dive into different fertility treatments that are effective for couples looking forward to getting pregnant.
Fertility Treatments
This is one of the well-known fertility treatments couples approach when they are awaiting pregnancy. During this process of reproduction, well-developed eggs are collected from the ovaries and paired up with the sperm during a laboratory procedure. Now one or more of these fertilized eggs, called embryos, are carefully introduced into the woman’s uterus to develop into a baby
IVF generally takes 2–3 weeks, and when the steps of the process are divided into different parts, it might take a bit longer. IVF can be done either with the same couple’s eggs and sperm or with an external donor who shares eggs or sperm.
● Should include a male partner with a low sperm count.
● Should be healthy without severe obesity or diabetes.
● Same-sex couples or individuals
● Women with ovarian issues
Though IVF is considered one of the most effective infertility treatments, it comes with its own challenges that have to be faced.
Emotional stress
Stress is a common thing that a woman undergoes during IVF due to emotional and financial burdens and volatile hope.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
This condition occurs when repeated fertility medicines are administered, resulting in swollen ovaries. The symptoms can last for a week.
IUI is a process of artificial insemination where clinical experts implant sperm into the female’s uterus to achieve pregnancy. Doctors select the cleaned and motile sperm that is healthy and insert it into the uterus of the woman when it’s time for an ovary to release one or more eggs. Through this process, the introduced sperm and the eggs unite in the fallopian tube that connects the uterus and the ovaries, resulting in the pregnancy. IUI is cost-effective and less invasive on the body.
● The couple should be trying for the pregnancy for more than a year.
● Should include a male partner with a low sperm count.
● Cervical issues such as mucus hostility
● Moderate male factor infertility
Cervical issues
The cervical issues can be a great challenge for IUI as they might directly impact and influence the success of the treatment.
Multiple pregnancy risks
IUI can sometimes come up with an increased risk of one or more pregnancies, which can be risky for the mother and the baby.
ICSI is a specialized fertility treatment that mainly deals with male infertility due to a low sperm count. ICSI is considered to be one of the best treatments for male infertility. The process of this intra-cryptic plasmic injection involves injecting the most potent and healthy sperm directly into the ovum using microneedling.
A typical ICSI starts with inducing ovarian stimulation through multiple injections, which leads to the production of multiple eggs and their maturity, after which the doctors go through a surgical egg retrieval process.
On the other hand, a male is asked to donate their sperm, and a healthy motile sperm is selected and injected into the cytoplasm of an individual egg, which makes ICSI the most effective treatment as the weak and unhealthy sperm are removed and only one healthy sperm is directly injected into the egg.
Embryo culture is then carried out in a laboratory where embryologists wait for the zygotes to develop into a healthy and viable embryo, transferring them into the uterus of a woman to expect pregnancy.
● High male infertility
● Failed IVF cycle
ICSI is more costly when compared to traditional IVF.
Not suitable for everyone
ICSI is especially suitable when there is a higher rate of male infertility among the couple, which makes it challenging when compared to other treatments.
As we discussed above, fertility treatments are the best options when you are aiming and hoping to become pregnant, but as everything comes with its own boons and banes, fertility treatments should also be considered based on individual issues and concerns. However, with advanced medicine and technology, fertility treatments are a way to go for many couples facing issues with their reproduction.